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About Rulii_

 저희 루리샵은 유니크하고 좋은 퀄리티의 소재를 지닌 지속성장가능한 브랜드의 제품들을 입고하기 위해 항상 세계 여러나라의 가치있는 브랜드를 발굴하고 있습니다.
 두 아이를 키우는 엄마인 대표로서, 항상 아이들이 사용했을 때 실용적인 제품인지를 가장 먼저 살펴보고, 
그 다음 소중한 아이들의 어린시절을 더욱 아름답게 기억될 수 있도록 돕고자 하는데 가장 큰 가치를 두고 있습니다.

 사람은 추억을 먹고 평생을 살아 간다고 생각합니다.
어린시절에는 엄마아빠, 혹은 할머니 할아버지께서 사주신 작은 인형 하나, 신발 하나도 너무 소중해서 사용할 때마다 기분 좋았던 기억 하나쯤은 누구나 있을 거예요.
그런 어린시절의 소중한 추억 한가운데 루리샵이 추억의 연결고리로 추억을 더듬을 수 있는 기업이 된다면, 그만큼 가치 있는 일이 있을까 싶습니다.

시대에 따른 빠른 트렌드 변화에 적절하게 대처하며, 적극적으로 유행을 선도하되 그 본질 자체는 진정성을 지닌 탄탄한 기업들과 함께 할 것입니다.
크기에 연연하기 보다 함께 하는 기업들의 진정성의 가치를 믿으며 함께 동반성장하는 편집샵으로 남을 것 입니다.

이 세상은 아이들의 꿈과 희망이 있어 더욱 아름답다고 생각합니다.
아이들의 어린시절을 더욱 아름답게 기록하는데 루리샵과 함께 해주신다면 저희는 그것만으로도 행복하답니다.

About Rulii_

We, ‘Rulii Shop’, are always discovering valuable brands from many countries around the world to stock products from sustainable brands with unique and high quality materials.
As a representative of a mother who raises two children, she is always the first to see if it is a practical product when used by children
Next, we put the greatest value on helping precious children to be remembered more beautifully.

I think people eat memories and live their whole lives.
When I was young, I think everyone would have a good memory of using a small doll or shoes that my mom, dad, or grandmother and grandfather bought me.
In the midst of such precious memories of childhood, if Rulii Shop becomes a company that can make memories with the link of memories, I wonder if there will be anything worthwhile.

We will respond appropriately to rapid trend changes according to the times and actively lead the trend, but we will be with solid companies with sincerity in its essence.
Rather than focusing on size, it will remain a kids select shop that grows together, believing in the value of the sincerity of the companies together.

I think this world is more beautiful because of children's dreams and hopes.
If you are with Rulii Shop to record your children's childhood more beautifully, that alone makes us happy.


  • 우리은행 1005-804-125776
  • 예금주 : 박지영(루리샵(RULII))
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